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Too much danger, not enough time

There aren't many downsides to running 50DT camp, but one of them is the speed at which each day whizzes by, and then how quickly the weeks go by and then the summer's over before you know it. This means that most of the fabulous dangerous ideas that Denise, Caitie and I come up with on our *ahem* planning meetings in the Horse and Groom don't actually happen.

Luckily, I have my little 'Pondies' to practice on at school on a Wednesday afternoon; they are up for a bit of danger too. Next week I plan to make toasting forks with them, using old wire coat hangers and sharp tools. EVERY summer I plan to make these brilliant implements with the 50DTers and without fail, I fail. Watch this space for proof that sometimes, plans do come to fruition.

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